written by Jessica
Hidden Halo Engagement Ring: Beauty In The Subtle
“I can feel your hidden halo, in between the claws hidden halo, around the claws hidden halo ooooo ”
– Beyonce’s “Halo” (Engage Studio version)

your guide to hidden halo engagement rings
So you’re into the details, the fine touches, the cherry on top, the subtle. We see you, and we love that about you. Let’s unravel your taste for the hidden halo, and how to include it in your own engagement ring.
Halo vs Hidden Halo
Let’s start with the foundation.
What’s the difference between a halo and hidden halo?
A halo is when we set diamonds or stones around the focal stone, which can be seen in its entirety from the top down view.

A hidden halo can only be seen at the profile or side profile view, and hidden from sight at the top down view. Alternative names you might have heard for the hidden halo could be concealed halo or obscured halo.
(basically you will only really notice the hidden halo when looking at the engagement ring from different angles)
the hidden halo is subtle, but intentional.
It’s a really bespoke, elegant way of incorporating diamonds at an angle that is not often considered.
Think about it like this. The hidden halo engagement ring has a whisper, a hint of sparkle detail that is there with intention but appears as a really elegant afterthought.
It’s a gentle style choice to add sparkle, volume, playfulness, and/or meaning to perfectly compliment the focal stone of your engagement ring.
hidden halo between or around the claws?

If you want to go the super subtle route, hidden halo between the claws is a great option. This means that the diamonds create a crossbar between the claws.

A hidden halo around the claws will wrap around the shape of the focal stone, which has a bolder effect.

What you can play around with here is how high or low you want it to be set. If the hidden halo is set lower it almost comes across like a cuff – while a higher set will lead your eyes higher up on the ring.

It's an opportunity to get creative. The hidden halo is a great way to subtly introduce your story without overpowering the overall look of your engagement ring.
Stone Size
The most popular hidden halos we do involve the same size diamonds consistently throughout the halo, but there is plenty of opportunity for some creativity where the size of the stones can be played with!
It doesn’t have to be a straight line~
We’ve even done the hidden halo asymmetrically, a wave-like design, or even including more spacing between the stones giving an organic constellation look.
Double Hidden Halo
Another option for either hidden halo between or around the claws is a double hidden halo! Double the halo-ness, double the fun, double the sparkle.

Shoulders Or No Shoulders?
We bring up shoulders vs no shoulders here because the hidden halo engagement ring has its biggest impact at the profile and side profile view.

And that’s it!
Summary. There are two main ways to do the hidden halo engagement ring, but there’s room for personality and creativity in design!
Come visit us at our Toronto location or virtually online and we’ll figure out the hidden halo engagement ring that is unique and works best for you. We’ll compare the styles side by side so you can really be confident in what you love! We can’t wait to meet you.